Due to uncontrolled sprawl, the alluvial fans at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains are among California’s most depleted and threatened habitats. One bright spot is an effort led by San Bernardino County Supervisor Paul Biane.

The coastal sage scrub, washes, and riparian woodlands of alluvial fans shelter several endangered species, such as the San Bernardino kangaroo rat. In the absence of a Natural Community Conservation Plan, the prospects for survival of this community would appear dim. However, in 1998, the 763-acre North Etiwanda Preserve was set aside as mitigation for a highway project. Since then, under the leadership of Biane, it has grown into a true ecosystem protection effort.

In recent years, development has been directed toward existing communities to the south, and the reserve has expanded by hundreds of acres through mitigation and acquisition. Local agencies manage the growing system, which is expected to continue to consolidate parcels as always-scarce funds become available.

EHL recently filed comments with the US Army Corps of Engineers on a project that could contribute land to the reserve.

We commend this effort and will continue to work toward its success. For more information click here.