EHL was quoted in multiple newspaper stories, on topics ranging from fire protection to endangered species to sprawl to threats to established preserves and parks. Media excerpts are in italics.

In a letter to the editor published in the June 6, 2007 Californian newspaper, EHL’s executive director opposed placing a quarry next to the Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve: That project, which has garnered overwhelming community opposition, would block wildlife movement in the county's habitat plan and jeopardize a California State University field station. This quarry is emphatically not a good investment in the future.

The failure of the federal government to honor its commitment to protect reserve lands on the former El Toro air station was reported on by the Orange County Register (“Officials disagree on firing range on old El Toro base," April 6, 2007). “It's really an outrageous situation that the federal government cannot keep its own promises on federally owned land," said Dan Silver, executive director of the Endangered Habitats League.

The Los Angeles Times also covered the story (“Activists target proposed firing range,” April 5, 2007). “A lot of work went into creating the reserve," Silver said, "and it's now under threat to become a dumping ground for a noisy, destructive shooting range.” . . . The proposed shooting range "makes a mockery" of the reserve, he said.

The Orange County Register (“Toll road could go either way,” May 10, 2007) covered a Congressional committee’s action to prevent the Foothill toll road agency from circumventing California law. Dan Silver of the Endangered Habitats League, who with other activists has fought the proposed toll road extension, said the vote indicates a “shift in momentum” against the toll road. “This is a major advance for the people of California,” he said. “The tide is turning in favor of protecting our parks and pursuing improved transportation alternatives."

On April 18, 2007, the North County Times reported on an environmental conference held by Camp Pendleton (“Marines urged to protect more land”) during which EHL praised the Marine Corps for its stewardship of the land but also suggested ways it could do even better. "In the siting of new facilities and in the replacement of old ones, maybe there is an opportunity to consolidate and to shrink the human envelope."

In an article titled, “Perilous times for San Mateo Creek,” the San Diego Union Tribune of April 18, 2007 reported on the listing of this stream as one of Americas 10 most endangered rivers due to threats from the Foothill toll road. “San Mateo Creek deserves this national spotlight,” said Dan Silver of the Endangered Habitats League in Southern California. “It's the only pristine watershed that is undammed and unspoiled along our coastline south of Ventura County.”

The North County Times (“San Luis Rey master plan available,” April 10, 2007) reported on the attempt, driven by developers, to induce sprawl in remote northern San Diego County by bringing in imported water. A regional conservation group, the Endangered Habitats League, has denounced the plan as a “land grab."
On April 9, 2007, the Riverside Press Enterprise ran a story about the City of Beaumont’s proposal to extend wildlife corridors to benefit the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Program (“Beaumont looks at ways to preserve wildlife corridors”). Dan Silver, the league's executive director, said by phone that he would support further study of the merits, including by the county, state and federal wildlife agencies. "It looks like it could be an important link" for the habitat plan, he said.
Progress on the City of Colton’s conservation strategy for the endangered Delhi Sands flower-loving fly (“Fly trumps city's development plans; Compromise could preserve habitat,” January 21, 2007) was reported by the Associated Press. “I'm thinking there is hope we'll finally find a good solution to a problem that has been intractable for many years,” said Dan Silver, executive director of the Endangered Habitats League, an environmental group that tracks Southern California's desert ecosystem. “We'll look back and say, 'Gee, there was a lot of foresight in protecting that.' ”

In its May 11, 2007 edition, USA Today ran in-depth stories on land use policies that place homes in high risk fire areas (“Houses sprouting in the hot zone,” “Wildfire areas get influx of residents”). “Smart growth means not building in high-fire-risk zones," says Dan Silver, president of the Endangered Habitats League. "That's stupid growth, and everyone pays the price for it."

The Idlewild Town Crier explored fire safety issues with in-depth articles on the Riverside brush clearing ordinance and fire hazard task force. It reported on EHL’s presentation to the task force on how public safety can be balanced with the environment through land use techniques like clustering of units and transfer of density.

EHL’s litigation over the Riverside brush clearing ordinance was covered by the Riverside Press Enterprise (“Environmental group sues Riverside County over weed abatement rules,” April 26, 2007. "The more you clear vegetation the more you get weedy, flammable grasses coming in," Silver said.  

The Californian also covered the issue (“Weed-cutting law draws lawsuit,” April 26, 2007). "This ordinance that the county passed was rushed through so quickly that there was no time for experts and the public to have input," said Silver, whose Los Angeles-based organization covers most of Southern California.