EHL has “intervened” in litigation – meaning it has become a party in the case – to save a critical portion of O’Neill Park in Orange County from an attempted take-over by the City of Rancho Santa Margarita, and thus preserve the habitat plan for the area.

In a lawsuit against the County of Orange, the City claims that it is the actual owner of approximately 500 acres of O’Neill Park along Chiquita Ridge. This property was dedicated as public parkland in exchange for development within a then-unincorporated part of Orange County. In response to the lawsuit, the County stated that when Rancho Santa Margarita incorporated as a city, the parkland was specifically excluded from city territory. EHL’s legal analysis concurs.
Many observers fear that the City wants to develop the site for lucrative retail outlets. Indeed, there is evidence that the City has explored grading a portion of the park for a Costco store.
At stake is prime coastal sage scrub and gnatcatcher habitat that forms a vital part of the Southern Orange County Natural Community Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan. Such loss would put the plan at risk, and also undermine future habitat planning across the state.
EHL has intervened to protect the parkland and the habitat plan. We commend the County of Orange for defending its park, as well as the Rancho Mission Viejo Company, which has also intervened in support of the County’s position. EHL is represented by staff attorney Michael Fitts.