EHL sues to protect San Diego North County from sprawl

On behalf of land development interests, the tiny San Luis Rey Municipal Water District is attempting to annex large portions of the North County. EHL filed suit against the environmental impact report (EIR) for the project.

If successful, this annexation would bring imported water and suburban sprawl to almost 3000 acres of scenic rural and habitat lands in the San Diego backcountry along Highway 76, inland of Interstate 15. Such transformation is contrary to both the current and draft general plans, and would undermine the ongoing multiple species conservation effort.

EHL filed litigation under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) against the project, as did the Pala tribe and the Rainbow Municipal Water District. The proposal faces many other hurdles, including the policies of the San Diego County Water Authority and the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).

EHL is represented by staff attorney Michael Fitts and the law firm of Johnson and Sedlack.