EHL works to protect birds and bats from wind turbines
Renewable wind energy is needed to combat global warming but causes significant mortality to birds and bats. EHL hopes to work with San Diego County on its new Wind Energy Ordinance.

The conundrum of killing birds and bats vs clean wind energy can only be addressed through proper siting and construction of turbines. As shown by disastrous impacts in the Altamont Pass, large birds like the golden eagle are particularly vulnerable. Already, golden eagles are in perilous condition in San Diego County.
State and federal guidance is available so that turbines are placed away from migratory bird pathways or other avian concentrations, like wetlands or riparian areas. We believe such guidance should be incorporated into the new ordinance so that wind developers do not waste time and money on bad locations.
EHL submitted extensive comments on the draft ordinance's Environmental Impact Report, and we hope to work with the County to minimize impacts while allowing responsible wind energy to advance.