EHL was quoted on the lawsuits filed against the tollroad Settlement Agreement.
The San Clemente Times (“Sound Off: Concert Gathering Puts Toll Road Issues in San Clemente Center Stage,” Sept. 14, 2017) covered toll road issues including a Save San Onofre Coalition letter correcting City misrepresentations about its litigation against the Settlement Agreement that protects San Onofre State Beach.
SSOC members have taken exception to the city’s and The Reserve’s lawsuits against the settlement agreement, alleging that it would undo the protections set forth by the agreement, which took about 15 years to complete.
“We’d like to see the city drop the litigation; why would the city want to (undo the settlement agreement)?” said Dan Silver, the executive director of Endangered Habitats League. “The only purpose of the litigation is to eliminate the protection of the avoidance area. If their suit or (The Reserve’s) lawsuit are successful, then these important lands would be open to this green alignment option (through environmental areas).”
The Orange County Register also covered the lawsuits (“2 San Clemente lawsuits challenge efforts to extend 241 Toll Road,” August 1, 2017).
Dan Silver, a spokesman for the Save San Onofre Coalition that settled the lawsuits with TCA, issued a statement calling the lawsuits an attack on one of California’s most popular state parks, San Onofre State Beach, which the lawsuit settlement is designed to protect.
“It’s unconscionable for the City of San Clemente and The Reserve Maintenance Corporation to attempt to destroy a state park enjoyed by millions,” the statement said. “A toll road through the state park is a proposal that was rejected by the California Coastal Commission, President George W. Bush’s Commerce Department and the Regional Water Board. It’s time for all Californians to again rally to save the park.”