EHL has filed litigation against a massive project that conflicts with regional habitat planning and joined litigation against other projects that violate the General Plan.

The Newland Sierra project, located north of Escondido, would ruin 2/3rds of a core habitat area of chaparral and sage scrub, and block wildlife movement across Interstate 15. Typical of sprawl development, it has high greenhouse gas emissions and no hope for transit. It provides no low or moderate income housing, which are the types most needed in San Diego. The General Plan’s “smart growth” framework of towns and greenbelts would be broken, and fire safety would be compromised for new and old residents of the area alike.

EHL filed litigation under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) along with the Center for Biological Biodiversity. EHL is represented by Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger. Additionally, the Golden Door Spa, a world renowned retreat, filed suit, and was joined by numerous community members. The Golden Door’s business, which includes organic farming, would be destroyed by project-associated road widening.

Also, EHL joined community groups in filing CEQA litigation against projects in the Harmony Grove area of northern San Diego County. These projects consume rural lands and once again expand the “urban wildland interface” into dangerous fire-prone terrain. During an emergency evacuation, gridlock would ensue. The County of San Diego – and its Fire Department – have yet to incorporate the lessons of the recent fire tragedies into their planning.