The press turned to EHL for its interpretation of environmental issues in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

The June 30, 2005 Los Angeles Times (“Court Blocks Rural O.C. Development”) and Orange County Register (“Court rejects Trabuco development”) both covered the Saddle Crest/Saddle Creek ruling and quoted EHL Executive Director Dan Silver. “This ruling is good for the Trabuco Canyon community and for natural resources,” he said in The Times.

The dispute over the San Antonio Wash in Claremont was covered by the Los Angeles Times (“Excavation? Not in Their Backyard,” August 15, 2005). Of the proposal to mine rare alluvial fan habitat, Silver said, “It doesn’t seem that this is the only place to get the materials by a long shot . . . There’s no justification for destroying this extremely rare habitat.”

Settlement of the Rancho Mission Viejo litigation received front page coverage in the Orange County Register, along with excellent color graphics. In an in-depth feature on August 17, 2005 (“‘A win-win solution’: Environmental activists get more habitat protected, and ranch developers will be able to move forward faster”) Silver made the case for the agreement: “It was a win for the ecosystem, for the species, for historic ranching and for economic development.”

The Orange County Edition of the Los Angeles Times also covered the story (“Rancho Mission Viejo Clears Last Legal Snag,” August 17, 2005). “This is arguably the most important wildlife habitat in Southern California,” Silver said. “The agreement allows for economic development, the historic ranching operation and helps protect this magnificent wildlife habitat.”