EHL was quoted on the vagaries of protecting endangered species.

The Los Angeles Times reported on the intricacies of the Endangered Species Act (“Can a fragile rat survive the loopholes in endangered species protections?” March 7, 2022). The article covered the listing of the San Bernardino kangaroo rat under the California Endangered Species Act (in response to EHL’s petition) and described innovative habitat restoration efforts undertaken by a local water district. It then pointed out that, as not commonly realized, a listing is just the start of a long struggle to apply the law and recover a species.

“Many people think that getting an animal listed as endangered means this: Boom. Done. Everything is wonderful,” said Dan Silver, executive director of the nonprofit Endangered Habitats League. “But that’s not the case.”

The state’s action helps, he said, “but it is only the starting gate for new rounds of negotiations, mitigation and possible litigation that may take years to resolve.”