Our 2016 settlement agreement with the Transportation Corridor Agency (TCA) put in place a Habitat Conservation Fund. Planning for expenditure is now in progress.
The agreement between the Save San Onofre Coalition (SSOC), which includes EHL, the TCA, and state agencies ended consideration of a toll road through San Onofre State Beach. A “hybrid” alternative that reduces habitat impacts and connects to existing arterials was chosen, instead.
An important feature of the agreement was creation of a $28 million Habitat Conservation Fund. Soon thereafter, a committee was convened to inventory opportunities, but the top-ranked land on the Rancho Mission Viejo was not available for purchase. In 2022, amendments to the agreement increased flexibility to extend purchases outside of the San Mateo Creek watershed and allowed TCA to create mitigation credits on land acquired, which it can sell to other parties. The amendments also set timelines for expenditure, with 2025 as a start date. Spending is expected to be limited to Orange County.
EHL is SSOC’s liaison with TCA. Earlier this year, we began working with TCA personnel and Board Members on an initial phase of expenditures. State and federal wildlife agencies were consulted and SSOC members participated in discussions. At this time, criteria for prioritization have been adopted and public noticing is in progress. EHL has also outreached to Orange County conservation groups for restoration projects, which are also eligible for funding.
We will keep you informed about this exciting program.