A court ruling, which will be appealed, upheld the environmental impact report (EIR) for misguided, large-scale removal of chaparral and coastal sage scrub habitat by CalFire, the state fire agency.

Since 2013, EHL has sought to improve the State’s Vegetation Treatment Program, or VTP. The VTP calls for “treating” native vegetation with fire, herbicides, mowing, mastication, clearing, and grazing – ostensibly to reduce fire hazard to California communities. However, its program of massive, landscape-scale clearing in shrublands is counterproductive as it will convert the native vegetation to highly flammable weeds. 

In comments, EHL repeatedly recommended the scientifically sound approach of make existing homes more fire resistant, clearing immediately around structures, and providing strategically sited fuel breaks for access and staging near communities. Even CalFire admits that the VTP will not be effective during the wind-driven fires that cause loss of life and property.

After the VTP was adopted, California Chaparral Institute and EHL filed suit on CEQA grounds. We pointed out the CalFire did not address the threat of wind-driven fires nor avoid or mitigate the damage from habitat conversion. However, in November 2023, a Superior Court judge ruled that the EIR was adequate.

California Chaparral Institute and EHL have filed an appeal.