Agreement on Foothill tollroad ends threat to State park
Culminating two decades of work, EHL and other members of the Save San Onofre Coalition signed a legal settlement agreement that protects prime natural resources from the Foothill South tollroad. Read More |
California gnatcatcher listing upheld

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service rejected arguments that the California gnatcatcher is not a valid subspecies. EHL and other groups helped marshal scientific evidence. Read More |
Beasts and Botany by Jess Morton
Fennel So here’s the deal, I’m off on my morning walk and have gotten maybe 100 yards from home when I’m stopped dead in my tracks by a small clump of fennel between the sidewalk and a phone pole. Read More |
EHL in the News
EHL was quoted on the philosophy behind and the benefits of the Foothill tollroad settlement agreement. Read More |
Ballot measures meet with success and failure
Here's a rundown on how land use and transportation measures fared in Southern California Read More |