The Endangered Habitats League is dedicated to the protection of the diverse ecosystems of Southern California and to sensitive and sustainable land use for the benefit of all the region’s inhabitants. The EHL Newsletter is published quarterly to chronicle our plans, activities, and successes.
To learn more about the
Endangered Habitats League and to access prior issues of the
EHL Newsletter, please visit our website:
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of the Endangered Habitats League, please join us in the ongoing
effort to protect the irreplaceable plants, animals, and places
of Southern California.
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funding in San Diego: Gold at the end of the rainbow?
On April 9, 2004, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
voted to include $850 million for habitat acquisition and management
in the reauthorization of TransNet, the countywide 1/2-cent sales
tax used to fund transportation projects. This vote is a milestone
in EHL’s multiyear effort to secure the funds necessary to
protect tens of thousands of acres of natural lands.
EHL has been a lead negotiator for
this funding, which is structured as mitigation for the transportation
projects. From our perspective, it is about half the amount
needed for regional habitat plans, such as the San Diego Multiple
Species Habitat Conservation Program (MSCP). The TransNet funding
is linked to our overall “smart growth” strategy, which
includes an improved transit system and walkable communities. Also
strategically linked is EHL’s work to establish a land management
coalition – the Conservation Resources Network – which
will institutionalize non-profit land trusts as long-term partners
in managing and monitoring reserve lands.
The vote on TransNet will occur in the November 2004 election, and
will require a 2/3 majority to pass. If the measure does not pass
this November, EHL will remain engaged through subsequent TransNet
ballot measures.