Free Membership!
To reach out and expand our conservation community, Endangered Habitats League is currently offering free annual membership. We want to share our work and engage a wide range of people in our campaign to save the natural world around us.
You are invited!
Being a member of EHL means that you support our mission and the credible and
collaborative work we do to achieve it. We are dedicated to the protection of
the diverse ecosystems of Southern California and to sensitive and sustainable
land use for the benefit of all of the region’s inhabitants.
In return,
- You will receive our electronic quarterly Newsletter with updates on key conservation issues, reports on our work, and information on the fascinating plants and animals of our area.
- At your request only, receive occasional action alerts notifying you of important matters and opportunities to participate and, through your action, make a difference.
- Annually, you will be asked to renew your membership, signifying your continued support.
- We may contact you no more than twice each year for optional financial contributions.
Please enter your information below (required fields marked with *) and submit to become a member of Endangered Habitats League. Our network is secure and we pledge never to share your name, e-mail address, or other information outside of EHL.
Let's work together to hand down our beautiful natural world to our children.
Thank you for becoming a member of our conservation community.